Looking to buy peeled beans online?

Peeled beans (2kg)
What type of beans is peeled?
it is made from Brown beans
What is the shelf life of the peeled beans?
The shelf life is usually between 18- 24 months, it has to be stored in a cool and dry place away from moisture.
How do i use the peeled beans?
Soak it in water for atleast 1 hour so it can soften before use.
You can use it for akara, moi moi, gbegiri and other bean meals
What is the weight of each pack ?
Each pack weighs 2kg
Can it be used for moi moi?
Yes it can, it is suitable for making akara, gbegiri and moi moi , beans porridge.
What other types of beans are available from Themarketfoodshop
- Kidney beans
- Black beans ( ewa ibeji )
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