Looking to buy Bitter Kola (orogbo) online?
Our pack of bitter kola contains 21 pieces.
Do you need bitter kola (orogbo) to add to “eru iyawo” items?
We’ve got you!!!
You can get this as well as other items like obi abata, alligator pepper, smoked eja osan, aadun and pure honey from Themarketfoodshop.
You can buy just bitter kola or the combo packs containing – orogbo (21), obi abata (21), alligator pepper (21), smoked eja osan (21), aadun (10 nylon wraps), simply choose whatever option suits you and we will have it delivered to you
How long will it take to deliver when you for orogbo ?
Once you order is confirmed, it will take 1-2 days to deliver , however, the combo packs take 24- 72 days to deliver. ( based on availability)
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