
Gari is gluten free


I was excited to find out gari is gluten free;  this discovery not only piqued my curiosity, It totally changed the way I saw gari as food.

I began to wonder why gari could not be made a breakfast meal of some sort, with this in mind, I began my “mini-research”.

Here are a few things I discovered:

-Cannia gari cake ,baked with gari as main ingredient and sold in the US.gari-cake

-A world class Asian  food company(TRS) now packages gari

gari 3


-Gari is largely eaten across Africa, in Asia and South America.


– Recipe for Gari Pancakes ,a healthy breakfast meal made from gari and other ingredients.

gari 5


-Crunchy gari biscuits ,can be taken with a dip(yoghurt)

gari biscuits


– Gari foto – a Ghanian delicacy made from gari, palmoil , eggs ,oils , pepper…..

– Kwik meal, gari soakings – gari + milk + sugar +groundnut

 kwik meal- gari +sugar +milk +groundnut

kwik meal- gari +sugar +milk +groundnut

There’s even some Japanese food ingredient called “sushi- gari” (sliced pickled ginger,a compliment of the Asian sushi dish).

All this kind of means gari can be made into a granola bar.

I went as far as comparing the nutritional profile of kellogs cornflakes against Gari (that topic is for another day though).

In all, I learnt a lesson to always look within before “trekking” about , if something as little as gari can be made into all of this, there’s so much we as a people can do, if only we believe, look within and not “trek” about.

Happy Independence people….God bless Nigeria!

I will share the various recipes found in subsequent write ups.


My name is Olayemi

I am a food addict

This is my story

What’s yours?