
Tips to soften tough cuts of meat like white ponmo, cowleg (brokoto) …

White ponmo

Tips to soften tough cuts of meat like white ponmo, cowleg……

white ponmo

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  • Cook in a pressure pot – Simply Boil meat using a pressure pot; Be careful with timing ,depending on what cut of meat you are boiling set the timer on the pot (usually between 25-45 minutes should be fine ). If you let the meat boil for too long in the pressure pot it can turn mushy.


  • Cook with unripe paw paw – Add in slices of unripe paw paw in the pot of meat you are about to cook and boil them together . Unripe pawpaw contains enzymes that soften meat.
  • Salt or baking soda – rub pieces of meat with salt or baking soda, leave it to rest in a refrigerator for 1-2 hours; Rinse meat THOROUGHLY to remove the salt or baking soda before boiling.

White ponmo

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