raw cocoa butter

Factors to consider when buying food products in bulk for export , manufacturing (as raw material) or repackaging

Grade A shea butter

grade A shea butter


1) Quality control – Determine methods to ascertain the quality of foods .

2) Pricing – Always check with general market prices to make sure you are buying the right quality at the right price.

3) Shelf life – Always take shelf life into consideration before buying.

4) Storage conditions – know the right storage and packaging methods required to retain the freshness of particular foods.

5) Seasonal availability, understand food seasons so you can plan for off seasons and save on costs.

6) Source, always buy from a source that can be trusted and traced.

The following Nigerian food products are available for sale in wholesale quantities

– Food grade cocoa butter

– Cold pressed coconut oil

– Premium (Grade A) sheabutter

– Ofada rice (unpolished local Nigeria rice)

– Dry Ugwu /bitterleaves

– Palmoil

– Ijebu gari

– Locust beans

For enquiries , Send an email to Olayemi –  themarketfoodshop@gmail.com

Benefits of raw shea butter

Grade A shea butter

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