
Six (6) simple rules to losing body fat and staying healthy

Keep healthy

keep healthy

1) Avoid processed foods (almost) all the time;opt for whole unprocessed foods when deciding on what to eat,a lot of unhealthy ingredients are masked in processed foods

2)Have early dinner atleast 5 times a week ;each proper meal you have takes 3-4 hours to digest its good that your meals digest before you sleep as
-this gives you slimmer waist
-allows for proper digestion which helps you sleep better

-prevents you from eating more than you should and since your body is able to digest all the food you eat,u have less residual body fat from undigested food

3)Try to read on healthy eating ; change starts in the mind and translates on the outside,the more you know about healthy eating,the easier it is to make healthy food choices.
4)Reduce your meals portions….e.g have two cooking spoons of white rice instead of four,a small mold of eba instead of a big one,one piece of meat instead of two….

5) Avoid soda and fizzy drinks ; soda and fizzy drinks contain lots of sugar and gas that leave you bloated ,raise your blood sugar and increase your waistline,substitute soda/fizzy drinks with healthy options like water,zobo drink(with little or no sugar),fresh fruit or vegetable juice/smoothie….
6) Always have food (something healthy) available before you get hungry;this helps you stay away from junk food and over eating
Being healthy is all about simple lifestyle changes

Keep healthy

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