For everyone, there’s that special food in your life; that meal you always overeat. Mine is beans porridge; lately I started having a heartburn every time I had beans porridge. This immediately called for an intervention.
Heartburn affects the chest area up to the throat and is very discomforting. Like beans, certain foods can trigger your heartburn, identifying and limiting triggers will help. Heart burn reliefs can be achieved by simple lifestyle and diet changes.
-Eating too much
-Eating on the go
-Too much fatty foods
-Acidic foods especially when eaten alone on empty stomach
– Coffee, chocolate, caffeinated tea,carbonated drinks, alcoholic beverages
– Spicy foods
Using a food diary to keep track of causes might help
-Stay away from foods that trigger your heartburn.
-Don’t go to bed on a full stomach, eat your last meal of the day atleast 2-3 hours before going to bed.
-Don’t overeat, better to eat in small portions than having a large plate at once.
-Eat slowly.
-Wear loose fitting clothes.
-You might need to loose weight if you are overweight.
-Chewing gum after a meal can help( I recommend sugar free gum that way you don’t go from managing heartburn to something else).
-Keep the head of your bed higher than the foot of your bed.
I hope you are somehow able to combat the heartburn in your life with this. If the heartburn persists , I advice you see a doctor……
culled from WedmD